Monday, February 22, 2010


So i thought i would start off with the story of my new dog Charlie since most of my family has not met her yet. So here we go...
Going back to the beginning of last year when our dog Casper passed away, we noticed that Ruby (dog#2) was lonely out in the backyard and so we would bring her inside and play with her. Then we wanted another dog, but my mom kept saying 'No! You guys will not take care of the dog, you guys hardly took care of Ruby and i don't want another dog!' So that conversation was never brought up again...til about uncle Mario had told my dad that his dogs had puppies and asked if he wanted one. (Mario also brought it up to my mom but my mom shot that down) So a Saturday in October i came home from work to find a small puppy(chocolate lab) sleeping under the computer desk. I was in total shock and confusion and soon after the twinkies told me that the puppy was ours and that my dad had brought her home from Mario's house. And i knew that my mom was mad!
[she slept all the time all over the place...and her name was 'princess' at the time guess who named her that] After a few days with 'Princess' my dad asked me if i wanted her and of course i said yes! And he gave me the whole "you gotta take care of her and walk her" so she is officially mine and i change her name to 'Charlie.' (i don't like 'dog' names).
Charlie grew very fast i wish she stayed that little longer but my dad did warn me that she would grow quickly because of the kind of dog she is. Every couple of weeks when i took her to the vet to get her shots she gained at least 5 pounds every time so i knew it wasn't gonna be long til i was not gonna be able to carry her.
And let me tell you that little face is cute but she is a monster but nonetheless a monster! As she got bigger she got more and more attached Ruby (dog#2) and she would follow her around and try to play with her. As my dad says 'charlie gave Ruby another life!' because now she is more playful having to keep up with Charlie who is constantly pouncing on her and biting her ears to get her attention.

So as of now Charlie is pretty big and is still not done growing. She is up to my chin when she stands up. Danny taught her to sit and give her paw. She loves to play obviously and she loves Danny! But once i come into the room or walk outside she goes to me and won't listen to anything, she is a brat but she's getting better to listening to Danny when i am there and even just listening. [she is now almost 6 months old)

I call her my 'Charlie Bucket' and she knows its me calling her. She goes crazy when someone is playing with Ruby and not her. She now walks over Ruby and jumps over her if Me or Danny is petting Ruby. She is crazy! If you have ever seen the movie 'Marley and Me' well my dog IS Marley! She has successfully bent and ripped up my moms broom, ate up the bench on the exercise machine we have outside (why its outside idk but its her chew toy), most of the baseballs that were in the bucket for the batting cage are now just the yarn, and just yesterday she chewed off the water hose from the faucet thing the water comes out from. She is destructo-dog but she is mine and she is a dork and she may tear everything apart but she is lovable. She's my Charlie Bucket.


  1. That's a lab for you. They are VERY hyper playful dogs. That's why I won't own one as much as I like them... I won't have the patience for them... and I won't have the patience to crate train them either. They recommend that with Labs. I am good with my puppies... the most they do is bark and whine but I can put up with that. They're doing so much better though.

  2. Welcome to blogland princess. Looks bigger from last month when I saw her, next time I visit you will have to escort me in the backyard. Better yet, I'll just stay away from the backyard. lol

  3. Awh Charlie is sooo cute! Haha that video of her and Ruby playing was so funny because it reminded me of winky and tiggy fighting.

    Well I'm glad you're happy with Charlie! She looks fun, I can't wait to see her!

  4. Alexis: yeah she is one crazy dog! It's funny how pets have their own personalities makes them funnier! Can't wait for you to meet her! :)

    Nino:maybe you should just stay away from the backyard cuz Charlie might attack you with licks again...she just wants to be everyones best friend.
