Monday, April 19, 2010

25! About me!

So I was tagged in Facebook to write 25 random things about me...

&so here are my 25 things...

1. I love Disney/Disneyland! (except Eeyore, Stitch &Pooh)

2. I have a very random taste in music (example: Brian Adams, Britney Spears, Carrie Underwood, Brad Paisley, Jack Johnson, Slipknot, Michael Buble etc.)&more!

3. I have this weird obsession with drying the sink after I wash dishes.

4. I can draw cartoons, I can copy basically, and I wanna learn to draw my own ideas...I never thought of my drawing as a career but I am starting to rethink it.
5. My dream car still is a Ford Mustang. :) but i will stick with my Jeep.

6. I want to move to Anaheim, CA by the end of the year.

7. I can't stand when people mistaken Anastasia for a Disney movie! Its not! Or even mistaking Spongebob for being Disney, it's on a whole different network people!!

8. I have never been the kind of person who is emotional, i tend to be more guarded, but that all changed a couple of years ago (Danny made me more of a girl) &i now am more comfortable crying in front of people since my Nina talked to me about not keeping my emotions hidden and not to be like her in that way, cuz its ok to cry &show your feelings. thanks Nina :) &Danny:)

9. I can't sleep with socks on. I feel like my feet are claustrophobic.
10. I like to play Halo3 on Xbox 360.

11. My favorite movie is Dirty Dancing...Johnny!!

12. I can't watch Armageddon, makes me cry every time!

13. I have always wanted to work at Disneyland &I can't believe that dream is finally coming true...guess dreams really do come true.

14. I believe in following your dreams no matter what people may tell you &no matter how crazy it may sound. I am following my dream &I am glad to have those I love still standing beside me.

15. I have to pee a lot during the day...i can't help it my body just filters fast!

16. I am opinionated. Sarcastic. &Say things very bluntly...sometimes people think its rude, but its the truth i tell ya!
17. I love saying Disney movie quotes, especially to those that understand my language. lol
"even though you tried to terminate me revenge is not an idea we promote on my planet.." "oh well that's good" "but we aren't on my planet, are we?!"
18. I hate people that snore! Or breathe loud! I tend to throw shoes at you if you snore near me...ask my sister she will tell you.

19. I think the Twilight series is GAY!!! How could you people really read through that crap! I made myself read the first book just to see what the big deal was about...uhhh people get a life...James Patterson is the best author out there!

20. Foods: hate vegetables!!ugh! disgusting!...I love pasta (without the creamy sauce), tacos (mmm...taco place in LA), milk &water &orange juice! does a body good.I will drink milk with anything!
21. My parents have always kept me going in whatever i do &very supportive in my dreams (no matter how crazy they may seem) & i am blessed to have them as my parents, even though sometimes I can't stand them but I guess that's how it works between kids &their parents.

22. I have a crazy chocolate lab named Charlie &i love her so much! She's my baby. (but never replacing my guinea pig Henry RIP, totally different animals :)

23. I have a Goddaughter Arielle. She might dorky &a lil strange but she means the world to matter how far apart we are!

24. I never thought I would be at peace with my Nina gone, but I truly believe she is happy &did what she had to do here on Earth. She knows how much I loved her, we didn't have to say it to each other. The bond I shared with her will always be with me &the wisdom she shared I will always remember. I am so very much thankful to God that I spent 20 years of my life with the strongest, loving and best Nina I have ever known; because of her (&my parents) i am a strong person today & I am blessed to have had her in my life.

25. I never thought I would be the one between my sister &I to have a long term relationship, &i know many people thought so too, especially one that's lasted 4 years (&yes 4 yrs, we did not start over in counting months, &yes I love him very much &nobody can change that)


  1. I love these things they make me laugh! and i get to know things about people that i never knew

  2. haha thanks kika!glad you learned something new bout me. :)
