Sunday, April 18, 2010

The Weekend


I decided to take Charlie to Orangewood Little League Field (since its not an active league anymore). So I asked Danny if he would like to come with me and Charlie so I could let her free in the gated baseball field...&so we were off...

&we got her exhausted! which was the goal...she needed the open space to run, especially when its a new place for her...

She played fetch with us &of course being the brat she is, just went for the ones she felt like getting...then chasing Danny to get the baseballs out in center field. She had a blast i could tell til of course it got too hot for her and she was tired! Ready to go back home &of course she probably missed Ruby (other dog, her mother-figure).


Danny's Family & I got invited to one of the Deacon's 50th Wedding Vow Renewals Ceremony. Deacon Gary has been in Danny's life for a very long time, even before Danny was born so he is very important to their family &means a lot to Danny. And so we went to celebrate this very big ceremony with Deacon Gary &his wife Marge. 50 years!!! Wow!!!
Me &Danny outside church...
&during the reception...between waiting for the food &the mingling with everyone me &Danny kept ourselves entertained...

&Danny made this with the bead-jewel mancala looking things...(idk what they are called)

Me &Raymond...singing me i think a Lady Gaga song...

My Danny...

Brotherly love...

Danny &Deacon Gary :) he's so sweet

That was our Saturday spent with friends from church &celebrating 50 years of marriage with 2 of the sweetest &dedicated people I have ever met. 50 years is wow!! It's amazing how 2 people can stay together &deal with the other for that long &still be so in love with each other. I hope i have that...i hope i get to celebrate 50 years of marriage...with my Danny. :) &still love him :) i am sure i will.

Even 25 years is a long time! so to those who have been married for that long so far &still in love...all i have to say is wow!&i am happy for you!...but i guess that's why they say to marry your best friend, i am planning on marrying mine ;) love ya Danny.


A very lazy &relaxing day...spent going to church and then spending the day at home with was just a little weird for me because i am used to working on Sundays &to have the weekend off i felt a little lost.

So I decided to take the twinkies to go see a movie that they had been wanting to see...

[it's about the first Mexican team winning the Little League World Series in 1957]

&that was my weekend.not much but I had fun spending time with the ones I love very much. :)

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